Tuesday, May 11, 2010

creative and affordable vacation

Here are 10 tips for a creative and affordable vacation:
1. Take vacations with family to lessen the cost
2. Go off-season for cheaper rates and great deals
3. Call the hotel and negotiate a better price (Life is negotiable!)
4. Go Camping
5. Rent an RV and go on a road trip
6. Visit family/friends
7. Stay in Hostels (if you are a couple, not best for kids)
8. Look for deals on craigslist, and perhaps do a room swap/home swap
9. Go in with friends to rent a vacation home
10. Visit grandma/grandpa for free room and meals!!!

Affordable Vacation Ideas

Toyota Sienna

I wrote this blog post while participating in the Toyota Sienna and TwitterMoms blogging program for a chance to get a $30 gift card. For more information on how you can participate, click here.

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